a) The organization for the implementation of this project is as under
Executing Agency is the Water Resources Department (WRD) of Public Works Department, Government of TamilNadu.
The Nodal contact being the Principal Secretary to Government, PWD, Government of TamilNadu.
b) The Project steering Committee (PSC) is to monitor the project, to provide policy guidance, to facilitate inter-departmental co-ordination at state level, to review Annual project plans etc.,
c) Field Implementation Co-ordination Committees (FICC) will be established at District level at Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam under the chairmanship of the respective District Collectors with the members of respective Executive Engineers and the heads of relevant stakeholder departments.
The committee monitor the progress at field level and ensure co-ordination among various departments to resolve the issues in the field.
d) The technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is to provide overall technical oversight to the project.
e) The core unit to implement this project are
i) A full time Project Director. The Project Director will be the Chief Engineer, WRD, Trichy Region, Trichy. The Project Director will liaise directly with ADB under the assistance of PMU.
ii) A Project Management Unit (PMU) is functioning at Trichy, manned by a full time Executive Engineer.
The core function of PMU include
(a) Design and planning
(b) Procurement of goods, works and services
(c) Contract supervision and Quality assurance control
(d) Project finance management
(e) Implementation of social and environmental safeguards
(f) Project Monitoring and Evaluation.
iii)Five Project Implementation Units (PIUs) are functioning at Thiruvarur, Thanjavur, Thiruthuraipoondi and Nagapattinam under the head of the Executive Engineers/Project Managers as given below.
a) Vennar Basin Division at Thiruvarur
b) Vennar Basin Division at Thanjavur
c) Cauvery Basin division at Thanjavur
d) Special Project Division at Thiruthuraipoondi
e) Special Project Division at Nagapattinam
A team of seven Project Implementation consultants are recruited in PMU to support the Project Director,
PMU and PIUs in implementation of the project as below
i) Project Management Specialist ( Team leader)
ii) Construction Engineer
iii) Construction Quality Assurance Engineer
iv) Social Development Specialist
v) Environmental Specialist
vi) Financial Management Specialist
vii) Procurement Specialist
viii) Communication Specialist
In addition, certain supporting consultants other than the Project Implementation Consultants are mobilized with specific agenda as below..
ix)A NGO consultant to assist the resettlement plan implementation
x) An independent Internal Audit Firm to provide customized support to PMU in financial management
xi)A Management Information System (MIS) Expert assisted by a MIS Programmer to develop Project Performance Management System (PPMS), collecting, processing the MIS data.
xii)A consortium of International and National consultants named “Project Technical Advisory Consultants (PTAC) are recruited mainly to prepare the feasibility studies for the projects 2 and 3 (for the rest of Vennar and Cauvery sub basin) respectively as follow on project.
xiii)Two topographic survey firm are to conduct the topographic surveys in the project 2 and 3 areas. The topographic survey outputs will be used by the PTAC in their feasibility studies such as Hydrological and Hydraulic Modeling works.